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Asli Kala Chana (Bengal Gram)

Kala chana are closely related to chick peas, and are sometimes called black chick peas. After picking they are sun-dried until dark reddish-brown.They impart an earthy taste.
Weight: 10x4 lbs,20x2 lbs, 5 x 8lbs

Asli Kashmiri Rajma

Weight: 10x4 lbs, 20x2 lbs

Asli Light Kidney Beans (Rajma)

Large, kidney-shaped bean; light reddish-brown. Robust, full-bodied flavor, chewy, nutty and soft texture.
Weight: 10x4 lbs,20x2 lbs

Asli Moong Dal (Moong Beans Split, Husked)

These are yellow lentils that have been hulled and split. They are particularly easy to digest and take on seasonings and spices well, so are often made into spicy dals.
Weight: 10x4 lbs,20x2 lbs,5 x 8lbs

Asli Moong Dal Split

These are mung beans which still have the skin but are split in half. Split mung beans are extremely easy to cook, need no soaking and are easy to digest.
Weight: 10x4 lbs,20x2 lbs

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