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Asli Dark Kidney Beans

Dark Red Kidney Beans are large, have a deep reddish-brown color, and a soft texture. They also have a robust and full-bodied flavor.
Weight: 10x4lbs,20x2 lbs

Asli Green Lentils

Green Lentils are larger in size and shape than red lentils and have a delicious, rich, pea-like flavour. They are often used in dals and curry dishes.
Weight: 10x4 lbs,20x2 lbs

Asli Green Split Peas

Weight: 10 x 4lbs, 20x2 lbs

Asli Green Vatana

Green vatana are green, small, round peas, and when cooked, they have a mild flavor.
Weight: 10x4 lbs,20x2 lbs

Asli Kabli Chana (Chick Peas,Garbanzos)

Chick peas are also called Chana or Ceci. They are pale and light brown and are used whole.When cooked, they have a firm but tender texture and add good colour and a nutty flavour to dishes.
Weight: 10x4 lbs,20x2 lbs, 5 x 8lbs

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